My Story

I'm Des Gillan, Mr Goat, the Willowman, Goatyman or Mr Willow as I am sometimes referred to. I started willow weaving when I was still a Special Needs Primary School Teacher in Trafford, Greater Manchester. Following an incident at work I have been left with Neuropathic pain in my face which resulted in ill health retirement. I was devastated to leave the profession. I loved working with the kids and helping them to develop their life skills and helping them follow their passions.
My retirement at such an early age meant I needed a new passion that I could pursue in my own time and at my own pace whilst trying to manage the ongoing pain and the intermittent flair ups. Willow weaving is that passion. I had attended a few workshops and enjoyed the freedom, mindfulness and satisfaction that weaving with willow gave me. And so, using my first ever creation, Dimitri the Greek Goat, as inspiration Willow Goat Crafts was born. I am constantly on the lookout to develop my skills and challenge myself to use willow in different ways to create artwork that people love. I get a buzz from creating larger individual pieces and love making smaller garden decorations so all people can have a bit of willow in their garden.
I love working with brown willow and living willow and can now use my new found passion to host workshops and work within schools: continuing to use the skills I developed as a teacher.